Rtx is a computer program for reliability, risk, and resilience analysis with a library of probabilistic models. Rtx is being developed at the Center for Infrastructure Sustainability and Resilience Research (INSURER) at Sharif University of Technology under the supervision of Mojtaba Mahsuli.
Rtx is derived from Rt. Rt was developed over the course of Mojtaba Mahsuli's PhD studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada under the supervision of Professor Terje Haukaas. The development of Rt is now taking place both at Sharif University of Technology under the name Rtx, homed here, and at the University of British Columbia by Professor Terje Haukaas under the name Rts.
Rtx is made freely available here only for academic use. For all other uses, please contact Mojtaba Mahsuli. By using Rtx, you hereby accept the terms of the End-user License Agreement. This includes citing the following references in any form of dissemination that makes use of Rtx:
Rtx aims at promoting advanced probabilistic analyses in the engineering community
Examples show Rtx analyses from components to systems to system of systems, e.g., analysis of an element, a building, an infrastructure system, or an entire community
Rtx is continually being developed by a team of talented researchers at INSURER
Rtx is the computational platform of INSURER and installed on Sharif's high-performance computing (HPC) system
Rtx is taught in detail in a course entitled Structural Reliability and Probabilistic Modeling at Sharif
Rtx is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac with a native user-friendly interface
Rtx is capable of parallel processing and can be run in batch mode from within a terminal with GUI turned off
Rtx is capable of conducting probabilistic analysis using other software applications, such as