Simple Damage Curve Model
Class Name
Location in Objects Pane
- Models > Model > Consequence > Economic > Simple Damage Curve
Model Description
Model Form
- Sine curve that gradually increases a damage factor from 0 at the minimum intensity, \({I_{{\rm{min}}}}\), to 1 at the maximum intensity, \({I_{{\rm{max}}}}\), as follows:
$$\eta = {1 \over 2} \cdot \left( {\sin \left( {{\pi \over {\varepsilon \cdot {I_{{\rm{max}}}} - {I_{{\rm{min}}}}}}\left( {I - {I_{{\rm{min}}}}} \right) - {\pi \over 2}} \right) + 1} \right)$$
DDM sensitivities
Object Name
- Name of the object in Rt
- Allowable characters are upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and underscore (“_”).
- The name is unique and case-sensitive.
Display Output
- Indicates whether the model is allowed to print messages to the Output Pane
Min Intensity
- \({I _ {\min}}\) = Intensity at which the damage factor exceeds 0.0
Max Intensity
- \({I _ {\max}}\) = Intensity at which the damage factor reaches 1.0
- \({\varepsilon}\) = Multiplicative model error
- \({\eta}\) = Damage ratio
- The output is an automatically generated generic response object, which takes the object name of the model plus “Response”.
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