Poisson Pulse Process Model
Class Name
- RPoissonPulseProcessModel
Location in Objects Pane
- Models > Model > Occurrence > Poisson Pulse Process
Model Description
Model Form
- This model produces the time instants at which a hazard occurs.
DDM sensitivities
Object Name
- Name of the object in Rt
- Allowable characters are upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and underscore (“_”).
- The name is unique and case-sensitive.
Display Output
- Determines whether the model is allowed to print messages to the Output Pane.
Magnitude Model
- Magnitude/severity model associated with the hazard
Associated Model List
- List of any other models associated with this hazard that should not be evaluated when the hazard is inactive, e.g., a location model.
Nonzero Occurrence Rate
- Occurrence rate of the events with nonzero intensity (given as a real number per day)
Mean Duration
- Mean duration of events (given as a real number in days)
Time Instant Generation Scheme
- Method of time generation
- The “Exact” option generates the time instants according to the occurrence rate of the underlying process.
- The “Approximate” option will generate the time instants according to the nonzero occurrence rate.
- This model does not generate response objects.
- It provides the generated time instants to the orchestrating algorithm.
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