FEMA-NIBS Building Repair Cost Model
Class Name
- RFemaNibsBuildingRepairCostModel
Location in Objects Pane
- Models > Model > Consequence > Economic > FEMA-NIBS Building Repair Cost
Model Description
Model Form
- This model produces the repair cost of a building subjected to ground shaking based on the HAZUS (FEMA-NIBS 2003) approach.
Important Notes:
- The cost of repair operation is computed once it is completed (i.e. the repair status changes to 1), otherwise it is 0.
- To use this model in analyzers other than Discrete Event Sampling Anlyzer, the "RepairStatus" property must be a constant parameter with current value of 1
- For further information on this model, refer to FEMA-NIBS (2003).
DDM sensitivities
Object Name
- Name of the object in Rt
- Allowable characters are upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and underscore (“_”).
- The name is unique and case-sensitive.
Display Output
- Determines whether the model is allowed to print messages to the Output Pane.
Building Type
- Type of the building based on FEMA-NIBS
Occupancy Class
- Occupancy class based on FEMA-NIBS
Code Design Level
- Code level based on FEMA-NIBS
Sa 1
- \({S_{a_1}}\) = 5%-damped elastic spectral acceleration at the period of 1.0s at the building site
Sa 2
- \({S_{a_2}}\) = 5%-damped elastic spectral acceleration at the period of 0.3s at the building site
- Earthquake moment magnitude
Number Of Storeys
- Number of Storeys (an integer number)
- Footprint Area (given as a real number)
Repair Status
- \({\varsigma}\) = Status of Repair operation (1 if completed, 0 otherwise)
- Repair Cost
- The output is an automatically generated generic response object, which takes the object name of the model plus “Response”.
Right-click Menu
- FEMA-NIBS (2003) Earthquake loss estimation methodology—HAZUS technical manual. Federal Emergency Management Agency and National Institute of Building Sciences, Washington, DC, USA.