Detailed Building Life Cycle Energy Usage Model
Class Name
- RDetailedBuildingLifeCycleEnergyUsageModel
Location in Objects Pane
- Models > Model > Consequence > Environmental > Detailed Building Life Cycle Energy Usage
Model Description
Model Form
- This model produces the lifecycle energy usage in a building at a fine detail level.
- Extraction and manufacturing phase
$${E_{EM}} = {E_P} + {E_t} = \sum {q{i_p} + \sum {q{i_t}d = \sum {q({i_p} + {i_t}d)} } } $$
- On-site construction phase
$${E_{OC}} = {r_h}{t_{wh}}{i_{hm}} + (1 - {r_h}){i_m}{t_{wh}} + {1 \over {{t_s}}}{t_{wh}}{i_{wt}}{d_{wt}}{n_w}$$
- Operation phase
$${E_O} = {t_{des}}{E_a}$$
- Maintenance phase
& {E_M} = \sum {\left( {{{{t_{des}}} \over {{t_{mat}}}} - 1} \right)} {i_{mat}},{t_{{\mathop{\rm mat}\nolimits} }} < {t_{des}} \cr
& {E_M} = 0,{t_{mat}} \ge {t_{des}} \cr} $$
- End-of-life phase
$${E_{EoL}} = {q_{total}}{i_{eol}}$$
DDM sensitivities
Object Name
- Name of the object in Rt
- Allowable characters are upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and underscore (“_”).
- The name is unique and case-sensitive.
Display Output
- Determines whether the model is allowed to print messages to the Output Pane.
Concrete Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of concrete including mortar and concrete 20MPa, whose units are converted to kg
Concrete Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of concrete materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Concrete Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by concrete, including backhaul, in km
Concrete Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of concrete materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Steel Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of steel including nails, welded wire mesh, wide flange section, rebar, rod, light sections, sheet metal, whose units are converted to kg
Steel Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of steel materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Steel Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by steel, including backhaul, in km
Steel Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of steel materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Wood Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of wood including small dimension lumber, softwood plywood, large dimension lumber , whose units are converted to kg
Wood Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of wooden materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Wood Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by wood, including backhaul, in km
Wood Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of wooden materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Gypsum Board Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of Gypsum board including Gypsum wall 0.5” and 0.625”, whose units are converted to kg
Gypsum Board Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of Gypsum board defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Gypsum Board Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by Gypsum board, including backhaul, in km
Gypsum Board Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of Gypsum board defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Vapour Barrier Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of vapor barrier including 6 mil polyethylene, EPDM membrane, whose units are converted to kg
Vapour Barrier Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of vapor barrier defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Vapour Barrier Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by vapor barrier, including backhaul, in km
Vapour Barrier Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of vapor barrier defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Insulation Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of insulation including batt fibreglass, brick, vinyl siding glazing, whose units are converted to kg
Insulation Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of insulation materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Insulation Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by insulation, including backhaul, in km
Insulation Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of insulation materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Glass Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of glass including glazing panel, low E Tin Argon filled glazing, whose units are converted to kg
Glass Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of glass materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Glass Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by glass, including backhaul, in km
Glass Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of glass materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Other Material Quantity
- \({q}\) = Quantity of the other material including aluminum, whose units are converted to kg
Other Material Intensity
- \({i_p}\) = The intensity of the other material defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Other Material Transportation Distance
- \({d}\) = The distance travelled by the other material, including backhaul, in km
OtherMaterial Transportation Intensity
- \({i_t}\) = Transportation intensity of other materials defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Ratio Worker Hours
- \({r_h}\) = The ratio of worker-hours allocated to the use of heavy machinery such as cranes, bulldozers and backhoes, defined as a random variable
Total Worker Hours
- \({t_{wh}}\) = The total worker-hours allocated to construction and site work, defined as a random variable
Worker Shift Length
- \({t_s}\) = The worker shift, typically 8 hours
Distance Worker Travel
- \({d_{wt}}\) = The distance travelled by workers including return trips, in km
Heavy Machine Intensity
- \({i_{hm}}\) = The energy intensity due to heavy machinery use, in J/worker-hour
Manual Labor Intensity
- \({i_m}\) = The energy intensity due to manual labour, in J/worker-hour
Mean Number Workers
- \({n_w}\) = The mean number of workers during construction, defined as a random variable
Worker Transportation Intensity
- \({i_{wt}}\) = The worker transportation energy intensity, in J/passenger/km
- \({t_{des}}\) = The design life of the building in years
Annual Energy
- \({E_a}\) = The annual energy demand defined as a variable with lognormal distribution
Material 1 Life
- \({t_{mat}}\) = The expected life for material 1, in years
Material 1 Replacement Intensity
- \({i_{mat}}\) = The replacement intensity for material 1, defined as a random variable
Material 2 Life
- \({t_{mat}}\) = The expected life for material 2, in years
Material 2 Replacement Intensity
- \({i_{mat}}\) = The replacement intensity for material 2, defined as a random variable
EOL Intensity
- \({i_{eol}}\) = The energy intensity associated with the end of life phase of a building, in J
- \({E}\) = The lifecycle energy usage in a building in J
- The output is an automatically generated generic response object, which takes the object name of the model plus “Response”.
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