Abrahamson et al 2013 Intensity Model
Class Name
- RAbrahamsonEtAl2013IntensityModel
Location in Objects Pane
- Models > Model > Hazard > Earthquake > Intensity > Abrahamson et al 2013 Intensity
Model Description
Model Form
- This model produces the spectral acceleration, peak ground acceleration, or peak ground velocity at specified locations for given magnitude and hypocenter location of several earthquake sources as input, based on the Abrahamson et al. (2014) attenuation relation.
- Depth, width and some of other geometric specifications of each earthquake are predicted based on the
formulas recommended in the Abrahamson et al. (2014), if they are unknown.
- For more information, see Abrahamson et al. (2014).
DDM Sensitivities
Object Name
- Name of the object in Rt
- Allowable characters are upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and underscore (“_”).
- The name is unique and case-sensitive.
Display Output
- Determines whether the model is allowed to print messages in the Output Pane.
Magnitude List
- Magnitudes of various earthquake sources
Depth To Top Of Rupture List
- Depth to top of rupture of various earthquake sources (Use 999 in case of unknown)
Down Dip Rupture Width List
- Down-dip width of rupture of various earthquake sources (Use 999 in case of unknown)
Horizontal Distance From Top Of Rupture List
- Horizontal distance from top edge of rupture plane measured perpendicular to strike of various earthquake sources (Use 999 in case of unknown. In this case, it is assumed equal to hypocenter location distance)
Ry 0 Horizontal Distance Off End Of Rup List
- Horizontal distance off the end of rupture plane measured parallel to strike of various earthquake sources (Use 999 in case of unknown)
Rupture Distance List
- Closest distance from rupture plane of various earthquake sources (Use 999 in case of unknown. In this case, it is calculated based on Pythagorean theorem using the depth of top edge of rupture and hypocenter location distance)
Dip Angles
- Dip angles of various earthquake sources (You can use approximate angles based on the fault type, provided in the literature)
Vs Flags
- A helping variable. Enter 1, if you have measured, or 0, if you have inferred
shear-wave velocity. You can enter once for all locations
Hypocentre Location List
- Hypocenter locations of earthquake sources, which automatically will yield the radius \({R}\) to the various output locations
Centroid RJB List
- Centroid Joyner-Boore distance (see Wooddell and Abrahamson (2012)) (Use 999 in case of unknown. You can enter once for various earthquake sources)
Fault Types
- Fault mechanism that can be either NormalSlip, StrikeSlip, or ReverseSlip
Wall Types
- Identifies the location to be whether on hanging-wall or footing-wall side of the rupture that can be either HangingWall, FootingWall, or Unknown. You can enter once for all locations. Using Unknown omits hanging-wall effects
- Region of the location of the building which can be either California, Japan, China, Taiwan, or Other (If Other is used, the model will use California's specifications)
Shock Type
- Shock type that can be either MainShock or AfterShock
Response Type
- Type of the response than can be either \({S_a}\), \({PGA}\), or \({PGV}\)
Period List
- List of the natural periods at which the intensity is evaluated
Epsilon Uncertainty List
- Intra-event model error, typically a standard normal random variable
Eta Uncertainty List
- Inter-event model error, typically a standard normal random variable
Structure Location List
- List of the locations where the intensity will be computed at them (the output will give as many intensity values as the locations provided here)
Shear Wave Velocity List
- List of the shear wave velocities at specified locations
Depth To Vs 1 List
- List of the depths of Vs = 1 km/s boundry of the specified locations (Use 999 as input in case of unknown depth)
- Earthquake intensities (as many as the locations provided in the input)
- The output is an automatically generated generic response object, which takes the object name of the model plus “Response”.
Right-click Menu
- Abrahamson, N. et al. (2014). Summary of the ASK14 Ground Motion Relation for Active Crustal Regions. Earthquake Spectra, 30(3), 1025–1055
- Baker, J. W. (n.d.). Ground motion prediction equation functions. Retrieved October 06, 2016, from https://web.stanford.edu/~bakerjw/GMPEs.html